Atomic Structure and Relaxation Behavior at AlN(0001)/Al_2O_3(0001) Interface(Characterization,<Special Issue>Guest Editors Dedicated to Prof. Gunter Petzow: Modern Trends in Advanced Ceramics)
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The atomic structure of AlN(0001)/Al_2O_3(0001) interface, which is a model of a large lattice-mismatched film/substrate interface, was investigated by using static lattice calculations. Detailed analysis of the calculated structure revealed that the atomic relaxation behavior strongly depends on local atomic configurations of the interface. Interface distance became larger when Al atoms of AlN side and O atoms of Al_2O_3 side at the interface are in on-top configurations, while it became smaller when they are not in on-top configurations. The calculated structure qualitatively reproduced the experimental high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM) image, which was obtained in our previous study. Such varieties of the atomic relaxation can be concluded to play one of the important roles for the formation of stable hetero-interface structures.
- 2006-11-01
幾原 雄一
Institute of Engineering Innovation, University of Tokyo
山本 剛久
Institute Of Engineering Innovation School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Sato Yukio
Department Of Internal Medicine Ii Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine Fukushima 960-129
Department of Advanced Materials Science, Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tok
Institute of Engineering Innovation, University of Tokyo
Shibata Naoya
Institute Of Engineering Innovation School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Sato Yukio
Department Of Advanced Materials Science Graduate School Of Frontier Science The University Of Tokyo
Department of Advanced Materials Science, Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tok
Mizoguchi Teruyasu
Institute Of Engineering Innovation The University Of Tokyo
Yamamoto Takahisa
Department Of Advance Materials Science School Of Frontier Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Yamamoto Takahisa
Department Of Advanced Materials Science Graduate School Of Frontier Sciences University Of Tokyo
Ikuhara Yuichi
Institute Of Engineering Innovation School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Tokumoto Yuki
Department Of Advanced Materials Science Graduate School Of Frontier Science The University Of Tokyo
Ikuhara Yuichi
World Premier International Research Center Advanced Institute For Materials Research Tohoku Univers
Institute of Engeering Innovation, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
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