戦後日本における高卒学歴の意味の変遷 : 教育拡大過程前後の主観的期待と客観的効用の継時的布置連関
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The aim of this paper is to investigate when and how the meaning of high school diplomas changed during the era of educational expansion in two senses: (1) subjective and (2) objective. More concretely, it examines: (1) how people recognized high school diplomas and (2) how high school diplomas functioned in the achievement of occupational and economic status. To examine these points, the authors focus on postwar Japan, when the high school enrollment rate rose dramatically under the new educational system. The data used in the analyses are Social Stratification and Social Mobility (SSM) data collected every ten years since 1955. Three cohorts, divided according to the high school enrollment rate, are compared. The high school enrollment rate is 50% to 65% among the first cohort, 66% to 89% for the second, and more than 90% for the third. The enrollment rate increased continuously during the first and second cohorts, so the former is named the "early phase" and the latter the "later phase." The enrollment rate reaches a plateau in the third. "Desired educational level" and "desired occupation" are used in the analysis of subjective meaning. "Occupation of first job," "occupation of present job," and "present personal income" are used to clarify the meaning in an objective sense. The analysis of subjective meaning reveals the following. As the high school enrollment rate increased dramatically, the desired level of education rose with it. More people wanted to go on to higher level of education: high school and higher education. But the desired occupation of people who wanted to go to high school was almost the same for the early phase and later phase cohorts. However, the actual first jobs of high school graduates in the two cohorts were very different. Fewer people obtained white-collar jobs and more entered into blue-collar jobs in the latter cohort. Comparing present job and present personal income for each of the four data sets since 1965, the three cohorts can be characterized as follows. In the early phase, a relatively large number of people acquired white-collar jobs at an early stage of their occupational careers, and a substantive ratio maintained these jobs to 1995. In addition, personal income increased steadily as people of this cohort became older. On the other hand, a large number of people in the later phase cohort started working in blue-collar jobs. But as they got older, they seemed to move into different types of jobs. The personal income of this cohort increased dramatically in 1995. Therefore, it can be said that this cohort "caught up." For the last cohort, however, there seemed to be little chance of upward mobility in either occupational or economic status. In sum, if only the function of high school diplomas is considered, the meaning of high school diplomas changed between the early and later phase. But if the "catching-up" of members of the later phase and the subjective meaning of high school diplomas is taken into account, there is little difference in how people recognize and value high school diplomas between first two cohorts. Therefore, a distinctive line can be drawn between the later phase and the next cohort (i.e., the plateau), when the premium of being a high school graduate diminished.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 2006-05-31
香川 めい
香川 めい
香川 めい
相澤 真一
相澤 真一
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相澤 真一
相澤 真一
相澤 真一
香川 めい
相澤 真一
- 日本社会学会(学会報告)
- 2.「特色ある専門高校教育」のレリバンス(III-3部会 学校(2),研究発表III,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
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- 戦後日本における高卒学歴の意味の変遷 : 教育拡大過程前後の主観的期待と客観的効用の継時的布置連関
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- 3.新制中学校発足期における政・財界の言論の考察(IV-3部会 学校(3),研究発表IV,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
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- 都市型ライフスタイルとしての小、中学受験(【一般A-11】初等・中等教育(3),一般研究発表【A】,発表要旨)
- 2. 高校教育機会はどのように提供されたのか : 高度経済成長期の地方自治体の事例の検討から(II-7部会 【一般部会】社会構造と教育,研究発表II,一般研究報告)
- 1. 新制高校の設置と増設をめぐる政策の社会学的検討(III-11部会 教育の政策と制度(2),研究発表III,一般研究報告)
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- 4. 生徒減少期における高校教育機会の提供構造(I-8部会 【一般部会】教育の政策と制度,研究発表I)
- 3. Opportunity for High School Education in Japanese Society
- 2. 大学における社会学教育のレリバンス : 過少/過剰系統性の観点から(III-10部会 知識社会と大学,研究発表III)