学校から職業への移行形態とキャリア形成 : 初職・昇進・現職
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of shinki-gakusotsu-saiyo (collective recruitment of new graduates) on career attainments. School-to-work transition in Japan is characterized as "incessant transition", and is said that people make a smooth shift from school to the vocational world. This transition was made possible by employers'preference in hiring youth still in school and the existence of the special market known as shinki-gakusotsu (new graduates) market. It is believed that job opportunities in this special market were more open and better compared to those in the ordinary job market. Although the effects of such job market are often mentioned in research context, they were never empirically questioned. The author attempts to answer this question by comparing career process of people who got their first job in the shinki-gakusotsu job market (typical transition, TE hereafter) to that of people who did not (atypical transition, AT hereafter). The question therefore is broken down into four topics : occupational attainment of first job, job stability, promotional prospect, and economical status achieved by the current job.Major findings are as follows. In the case of junior high school leavers, not only how they got their first job but also whether they changed firms did not affect their career. For senior high school leavers, TE seems to improve the chance of getting a good first job, but did not have the persisting effects afterwards, considering that TE even raised the chance of them quitting the first firm. In the higher education sector, TE seems to promise good career in almost every aspects. As a conclusion, it can be summarized that the effects of shinki-gakusotsu-saiyo varied according to the level of educational attainment.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2005-03-10
- 2.「特色ある専門高校教育」のレリバンス(III-3部会 学校(2),研究発表III,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
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- 4. 生徒減少期における高校教育機会の提供構造(I-8部会 【一般部会】教育の政策と制度,研究発表I)
- 3. Opportunity for High School Education in Japanese Society
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