学校から職業への移行に関する二つの経路 : 「間断」のない移行と「学校経由」の就職
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There are two distinctive features in school to work transition in Japan. One is the relationship or network between employers and educational institutions, and educational institutions play an important role in screening of students. The other is that newly graduates usually get jobs immediately after graduation. This paper tries to distinguish these two features by analyzing their effect on the chance of acquiring 'good'job. The dataset used in the analysis is the 2000 and 2001 Japanese General Social Surveys. Both school-mediated job search and immediate transition to work enhance the chance of employment in a large firm. But if the self-employed are excluded from the analysis, the effect of school mediated job search weakens but the effect of immediate transition to work remains. Both school-mediated job search and immediate transition to work reduce the chance of being temporary employed. And there are higher chances of being self employed among non users of school mediated job search.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2007-03-10
- 2.「特色ある専門高校教育」のレリバンス(III-3部会 学校(2),研究発表III,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
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