戦後日本における教員の知能・能力観の考察 : 1950年代の教育運動の言説を中心に
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This paper probes teachers'images of intelligence and ability in the 1950s, with its main focus on discourses that were related to intelligence tests in the movement of Japan Teachers'Union (JTU). The paper suggests that intelligence tests functioned as apparatus at schools in three aspects during that time. The first function was as an apparatus for distinguishing intelligence, while the second an apparatus for measuring the correlation of academic achievement with potential ability. Finally, the third function was as an apparatus for measuring hereditary or environmental influences on learning achievement. From the viewpoint of these three functions, it can be said that teachers in the 1950s possessed images of intelligence and ability different from those in the pre-war era or after the 1960s. The uniqueness can be summarized into two points. One is that these images were constructed through examination of the teachers themselves on the educability of students, a practice which was different from the 1960s. Another point is that schools filled a major role in measuring intelligence, a phenomenon not observed in the pre-war era. In conclusion, this paper proposes hypotheses on why teachers'images of intelligence and ability transformed in the 1960s.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2004-03-10
- 日本社会学会(学会報告)
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- 戦後日本における教員の知能・能力観の考察 : 1950年代の教育運動の言説を中心に
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- 1. 新制高校の設置と増設をめぐる政策の社会学的検討(III-11部会 教育の政策と制度(2),研究発表III,一般研究報告)
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