Saikokeishito extract prevents progression of acute gastric mucosal lesions induced by compound 48/80, a mast cell degranulator, in rats
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肥満細胞脱顆粒剤のcompound 48/80 (C48/80)を単回投与したラットの急性胃粘膜傷害の進展に対する柴胡桂枝湯エキス(TJ-10)の抑制効果について調べた。C48/80(0.75mg/kg)を腹腔内投与したラットへのTJ-10(0.13, 0.65および1.3g/kg)の経口投与はC48/80投与0.5時間後に行った。C48/80投与0.5時間後に胃粘膜傷害と共に,胃粘膜のmyeloperoxidase (MPO)とxanthine oxidase (XO)活性およびthiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)量の増加がみられた。C48/80投与3時間後では胃粘膜傷害の進展と胃粘膜のMPOとXO活性およびTBARS量の増加亢進と共に,胃粘膜のvitamin E, ascorbic acidおよびadherent mucus量とSe-glutathione peroxidase活性の減少がみられた。C48/80投与0.5時間の時点でのTJ-10投与は, C48/80投与3時間後でみられた胃粘膜傷害の進展,胃粘膜のMPOとXO活性およびTBARS量の増加亢進,並びに胃粘膜のvitamin E, ascorbic acidおよびadherent mucus量とSe-glutathione peroxidase活性の減少を投与量依存的に抑制した。そのJ-10投与は肥満細胞脱顆粒に伴う血清serotoninとhistamine濃度および胃粘膜血流の変動に影響しなかった。TJ-10はin vitro胃粘膜MPO活性を濃度依存的に阻害した。これらの結果から,経口投与されたTJ-10はラットのC48/80惹起急性胃粘膜傷害の進展を抑制することが明らかとなり,またその抑制効果はTJ-10が胃粘膜の好中球浸潤と酸化的障害の亢進および防御バリアーの破綻を抑えることに基づくことが示唆された。
- 和漢医薬学会の論文
- 2006-07-31
Department of Information Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University
太田 好次
Kobayashi Takashi
Department Of Cardiology Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital
Hayashi Takahiro
Department of Cardiology, Kinki University School of Medicine
Yoshino Junji
Department Of Internal Medicine Second Teaching Hospital School Of Medicine Fujita Health University
Yoshino Junji
Department Of Internal Medicine The Second Teaching Hospital School Of Medicine Fujita Health Univer
INUI Kazuo
Department of Internal Medicine, Second Teaching Hospital, School of Medicine, Fujita Health Univers
Hayashi Takahiro
Department Of Cardiology Kinki University School Of Medicine
Inui Kazuo
Department Of Internal Medicine The Second Teaching Hospital School Of Medicine Fujita Health Univer
Inui Kazuo
Department Of Internal Medicine Fujita Health University School Of Medicine Second Teaching Hospital
Hayashi Takahiro
Department Of Pharmacy Fujita Health University Hospital
Yoshino Junji
Department Of Internal Medicine Second Teaching Hospital Fujita Health University School Of Medicine
Kobayashi Takashi
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kanazawa University
Kobayashi Takashi
Department Of Internal Medicine The Second Teaching Hospital School Of Medicine Fujita Health University
Department of Applied Physics,Faculty of Engineering,Nagoya University
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