A Study of Bird Inhabitation as Seen in Farmlands in Nishi Ward of Kobe City and the Eastern Part of Akashi City
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The authors selected three farmland-containing areas in Nishi Ward of Kobe City and the eastern part of Akashi City for this ecological study to investigate the current situations of bird inhabitation in suburban areas and within the cities. Through this study, the following results were obtained in terms of bird inhabitation in the rural forest (Satoyama) area and in the farming area: 10 orders, 23 families and 35 species; and 9 orders, 20 families and 30 species, respectively. In the urban area, 4 orders, 10 families and 30 species of birds were observed, most of which were city birds. The species and the population number of birds observed in this study along with the diversity index obtained from the observation results revealed that the rural forest and farming areas, located in the vicinity of urban areas, conserve a certain degree of the natural environment required for bird inhabitation, even while experiencing strong effects of urbanization. Although the bird species observed in these areas were different, the diversity of the species and the population number of birds found showed similar values. Therefore, this study suggests that agricultural areas preserve a crucial environment for bird inhabitation, which is equivalent to that of hilly areas.
- 1998-03-31
Laboratory of Regional Landscape Planning, College of Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture University
ABE Daishu
Laboratory of Urban Landscape Planning & Design, College of Agriculture
福井 亘
福井 亘
Abe Daishu
Laboratory Of Urban Landscape Design College Of Agriculture
Abe Daishu
Laboratory Of Urban Landscape Planning And Design
Masuda Noboru
Laboratory Of Regional Landscape Planning Collage Of Agriculture
FUKUI Wataru
Laboratory of Urban Landscape Planning and Design
福井 亘
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