- 論文の詳細を見る
It is known that the slopes between paddy fields and forests are one of the highest biodiversity areas, because there are not only meadow and wet species but also forest species. However, in recent years, these vegetations are being lost because of the decrease in agricultural land uses. Thus, these slopes have been paid much attention as important locations for preservation. However, previous studies only focused on the lower side of the slopes, have not examined the overall slopes. Additionally, how surrounding environment affects on those floristic compositions. In this study, we examined how differential managements and micro-scale landforms affect floristic composition of the overall slopes in Kamiseya, the rural area of Miyadu city, Kyoto Japan. To clarify environmental factors affect vegetation the slopes, we examined foloristic, distance from the forest edge, soil moisture contents and solar radiation of the five slopes which were experienced different mowing management intensities. It was clarified that the mowing management intensities strongly affects on species richness, diversities and floristic compositions. The forest vegetation influenced not only on the floristic compositions on the nearby site, but also on these on lower sides. We concluded that micro-scale landform and mowing management intensities maintain the species diversity on the slope.
福井 亘
福井 亘
FUKUI Wataru
Laboratory of Urban Landscape Planning and Design
福井 亘
深町 加津枝
水島 真
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