根群域の土壤水分予測に関する研究 : (1)予測のための水収支モデルとその応用
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Authors are conducting a series of studies to establish the model to estimate the soil moisture in the root zone by using only climatological data obtained at the weather station. In this paper the model is proposed first, and then the characteristics of some components of the model are described. The model proposed here is based on the water balance for a root zone as follows: [numerical formula] where M_n and M_<n+1> are the soil moisture on a given day (n day) and n+1 day respectively, P_n is the amount of precipitation, ET_n is the evapotranspiration, D_2, n is the outgoing surface runoff, P_i, n is the interception and F_1, n and F_2, n are the capillary rise and the percolation at the bottom of the root zone respectively. However, F_1, n was neglected in this study. On the precipitation in the above equation, it was assumed to be divided as follows: [numerical formula], then [numerical formula] [numerical formula], then [numerical formula] [numerical formula], then [numerical formula] [numerical formula][numerical formula] where P_i, max is the maximum interception, M_f is the field capacity, M_max is the maximum water holding capacity, M_p, n is the soil moisture increased by the precipitation on n day, ρ_s is the apparent specific gravity of the soil, and D is the depth of root zone. The net radiation method was chosen as a reasonable one to estimate the evapotranspiration thought the comparative experiment. The amount of interception increased with the increasing leaf area index, and about 490f the interception corresponded to the reduction in transpiration. The model represented the soil moisture in the root zone fairly well except for the estimations under the conditions of much soil moisture after a great amount of precipitation. It was expected that differences between the measured and the estimated soil moistures would be reduced by the improvement of the formulas on the partitioning of precipitation. In addition, under the decreasing process of the soil moisture, it was found that the difference
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1986-10-30
中山 敬一
中山 敬一
羽生 寿郎
羽生 寿郎
八代 英世
山中 捷一郎
山中 捷一郎
八代 英世
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