- 論文の詳細を見る
In the greenhouse of the TSUKUBA BOTANICAL GARDEN, plants native to the tropical rain forest zone and savanna climate zone have been planted. The plants which adapted the environmental conditions of the greenhouse have come out flower one after another. The external morphology of pollens was observed by SEM with 50 species (30 families) of flowering plants growing in the two greenhouses. With the samples for observation, which were prepared by critical point drying technique, the surface pattems and germ pores were clearly caught. The attached photos are enlarged ones of the whole figure and characteristic parts, such as the germ pore and surface pattern of pollen grains. The pollen of the Compositae is similar that of the temperate zone and puts triangular pyramid-form spinous small process on its surface. In the Leguminosae, two forms, i. e. the polyad and monad were observed. The Liliaceae and Malvaceae show the similar external morphology to the plants of these families in the temperate zone. Sansevieria stukyi (Agavaceae) has such a characteristic form as united two bowls. Banksia ericifolia (Proteaceae) is said to be an ornaithophilous flower, but it shows a simple pollen form like the anemophilous flower.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
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