- 論文の詳細を見る
This is the first report of a series of studies on soil temperature at various depths throughout the year at montane glassland section and sandy and gravelly section in the Tsukuba Botanical Garden. The temperature-sensing elements were placed at depths of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 80cm. The elements were installed by digging a pit with one vertical wall and inserting the elements into the wall. The vertical hole was back filled with original soil. The recording sites are all on level ground, well exposed to wind and sun. The recording site is located in lat. 36' 6"N. and long. 140'7"E. The soil of montane glassland section consists of well weathered volcanic ash soil, chiefly of loam texture and that of the sandy and gravelly section of well-drained soil with sand and gravel which is artifical products layer of 90cm in depth. The daily amplitude of the soil temperature are the highest being recorded at the surface of bare soil, and the highest of all on sandy and gravelly section. A maximum soil temperature at a depth of 5cm below the surface was recorded 45℃ on August 7, 1984. The diurnal variation of the surface at sandy and gravelly section is in the region of 15℃, although of course this variation decreases rapidly with depth.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
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