- 論文の詳細を見る
Phegopteris connectilis (Michaux) Watt has two reproduction types, which show habitat segregation from the upper subalpine zone (the apogamous type) to the lower subalpine zone (the sexual type) in several mountains of the central Japan (Matsumoto 1982a). The relative frequencies of the two reproduction types were investigated at five sites (A, B, C, D & E) in the lower subalpine zone of Mt. Fuji; two sites at the forest floor (A & B) and the other at the open land (C, D & E) which were formed by an avalanche nine years ago. The relative frequencies varied in accordance with vegetations as well as edaphic factors in respective site. I. The apogamous type showed higher frequencies at the open land than at the forest floor. II. The relative frequencies of the apogamous type were quite similar at the inner forest (site A) and at the forest near the open land (site B). III. Edaphic condition at the forest floor seems to be stable with uniform distribution of the thick layer of organic matter, but at the open land it is unstable by constant soil erosion after the avalanche nine years ago. IV. Saussurea triptera and Calamaglostis hakonensis, both are dominant species in the upper subalpine zone, are also dominant at the open land. Phegopteris connectilis seems to have a disadvantage in propagation by spores at the forest floor, where humus have been accumulated and the edaphic condition is rather stable. In contrast, the apogamous type of this fern has been able to rapidly invade by spores into the open land, where the edaphic condition have been unstable since the last avalanche nine years ago.
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