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Scanning electron microscopic observation was made of the morphology of pollen grains of 13 species of Clematis and its 21 cultivars. The observation was made on those specimens which have been prepared by means of 2 methods, i.e. air drying method and critical point drying method. The classification of pollen grains was done through polar view and equatorial view observations of each specimen and examination of the morphological features of the aperture and the colpi. Air and critical point drying methods were suitable for the observation of aperture and measurement of its size, respectively. The degree of maturity of pollen grain unchanged between pre- and post-anther-dehiscence and showed no difference between inside and outside in many anthers. Then, the collection of pollen grains was done at the state of bud so that the incorporation of pollen grains of any other plant could be prevented. The classification of pollen grains was done on the basis of the number of aperture, number of colpi, properties of the exine sculpture and the like. As a result, the pollen grains of Clematis under the present observation were verified to be 4 types, i.e. 3-colpate grain type for C. terniflora, spherical and multi-scattered foramina grain type for C. patens, sycolpate grain type for C. viorna and non-aperturate grain type for C.'Ville de Lyon'.
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