- 論文の詳細を見る
We examined the influence of root pruning and defoliation at transplanting tree on their post-transplanting growth, and according to different properties of the soil to be transplanted with pot seedlings, we studied the degree and the course of growth in their relationship with the soil condition. Transpiration from trees and their vitality were measured by sap flow velocity. Sap flow velocity of Cryptomeria japonica was low and high for transplanted and natural trees, respectively; the low rate for transplanted trees is probably ascribable to their inferior soil water content condition. Persea thunbergii which passed 4 years of transplantation in 4 kinds of soils including mudstone showed the highest sap flow velocity in Andosol. The soil-improved mudstone by the addition of sand mixture and bark compost are small. The sap flow velocity showed similar pattern to the degree of growth. Castanopsis cuspidata as transplanted in Andesite and its improved soil was measured for sap flow velocity and degree of growth; both there were highest for Andesite with the soil-improving effect by sand and bark compost being noted. It was found that the suitability of the soil for the growth depended upon the kind of tree.
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