- 論文の詳細を見る
The offensive style and defensive style players competing in the women's singles at the All Japan Student Table Tennis Championship Tournament (November 1995) and the All Japan Table Tennis Campionship Tournament (December 1995) were videotaped and analyzed for their playing tactics. The results are summarized as follows : 1) The route of the ball for both styles tended to travel diagonally from right side court to opposing right side court. 2) In terms of serving and receiving, both style players had gained somewhat more points in the rallies for which they served. 3) The offensive style players had a higher tendency to use their forehand, as opposed to their backhand. 4) About 80% of the time, rallies tended to end with 12 or less ball hits for both types of players. 5) The offensive style player scored off her opponent's push shot most of the time, and off their cut second most frequently, whereas the defensive player scored off the opponent's push shot most frequently, and off their drive second most frequently.
- 1996-09-28
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