- 論文の詳細を見る
The vegetation structure and the regeneration process of Magnolia stellaia, the distribution of which is restricted to the moor, were studied at Kitabatake-ike moor in Gifu prefecture, central Japan. Three hundreds ninety two quadrats (1m×1m) were setup in the moor and in the surrounding Pinus denflora forest. At also for all trees of M. stellata with height under 2m, the location and the stem length were recorded It became clear that the forest had the highest diversity among three habitats (37 species), and the lowest one was the moor (24 species). The plant species emerged in and around the moor were different in the distributional pattern. Firms densiflora, Moliniopsis japonica and Rhynchospora fujiiana distributed mainly in the moor, but Heloniopsis orientalis and Sphagnum sp. were appeared at the boundary between the moor and the forest. The most of plants of Smilax china, Rhus trichocarpa, and Ilex crenata distributed in the forest. One hundred two stems of M.stellata were found to grow in the study area. Although two-third of these stems regenerated sexually and others regenerated by asexual means. The most of stems (73%) grew in the forest, most of which distributed from the boundary to 6m into the forest. Although asexually propagated stems grew near the mother trees (H>2.0m), no sexually propagated stems grew near the mother trees. Based on the above-mentioned results, we concluded that the vegetation structure of Kitabatake-ike moor was the same as other moor characteristic to Tokai district. In these moor, the forest environment around the moor are considered to function as the safe site of M.stellata. But the scarcities of succeeding trees in this area suggest that the successful regeneration of M.stellata may be difficult in the present conditions.
- 2002-06-28
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