- 論文の詳細を見る
Loran C system has broadly been used as a reliable electric navigation of the ground station. In North America and Europe, the related various countries used it and established an international cooperation chain in practice. It has also since 1994 launched out on construction of the cooperation chain between Japan, Russia, Republic of Korea and China in Far East sea areas. In recent years, technology of Loran C receiver was advanced and found a new application with a demand of a more accurate receiver. Since most of the studies on Loran C wave were done in USA mainland, the propagation path and application were different from those of Japan. Therefore, a consideration should be taken when applied in Japan. I established a Laran C receiver for study at the Fuculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University, and continued observation of Loran C wave. In 1994, a monitoring receiver was newly installed, and since then enabled to make a more accurate observation. As a result, I could observe a phase change of Loran C which has not been seen before. The phase was changed by 0.2,≪s exceptionally in a half day. The relation between advanced distribution of refractivity N and phase change was examined as the factor. An influence of S type duct was recognized thereby.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1996-12-24
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