- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present report are listed 6 species of the family Cicadidae (Insecta, Hemiptera) from the Islands of Tsushima preserved in the collection of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Besides these 6 species, Tanna japonensis DISTANT has been known (M. KATO, 1965). From the zoogeographical point of view, Suisha coreana MATSUMURA and Oncotympana maculaticollis MOTSCHULSKY are of special interest. In this paper, the geogrphical origin of the genus Suisha KATO, 1925,is discussed, and the reason why the intermediate form between Oncotympana maculaticollis of Japan proper and O. coreana of Korea is found in Tsushima, is also discussed. In the course of this study, the author treated O. coreana KATO, 1925,as a synonym of O. fuscata DISTANT, 1905,described from North China, and also regarded fuscata as a subspecies of maculaticollis, as CHEN Kan-Fan already suggested it in 1946.
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