ホリシャカバマダラの再発見 : 付 村山修一・下野谷豊一両氏記載の新種及び新亜種に対する疑問
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In the present paper, the author reported the rediscovery of Salatura yuchingkini MURAYAMA & SHIMONOYA, 1960, from Ishigaki-jima of the Loo-choos. In the present author's view, this curious butterfly should be regarded as a hybrid between Panlymnas chrysippus L. and Salatura genutia CR. In the same way, Gonepteryx amintha meiyuanus MURAYAMA & SHIMONOYA, 1962, described from Meiyu, central Formosa, may be a hybrid between G. a. formosana FRUHSTORFER and G. mahaguru taiwana PARAVICINI. Euploea godartii garampiana MURAYAMA & SHIMONOYA, 1960, described from southern Formosa is nothing but a migrant of E. core godartii LUCAS, which is a common species in southern Indochina and Thailand. Doleschallia bisaltide koshunensis MURAYAMA & SHIMONOYA, 1962, is also none but an example of D. b. philippensis FRUHSTORFER migrated from the Philippines to Formosa. Moreover, Appias celestina kabiraensis MURAYAMA, 1970, described from Ishigaki-jima of the Loo-choos is a migrant of A. marina SEMPER from the Philippines, as was already pointed out by T. SHIMONOYA in 1971.
- 1973-05-31
- 東亜産ウバタマムシ属の分布地理学的知見による再検討
- ホリシャカバマダラの再発見 : 付 村山修一・下野谷豊一両氏記載の新種及び新亜種に対する疑問
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- 国立科学博物館所蔵対馬産クワガタムシ科標本
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