- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present paper, the phylogeny and zoogeography of Lucanus gamunus SAWADA et Y. WATANABE, 1960,which was described from the Island of Mikura-jima and is endemic to two small islands of the Izu Islands, Central Japan is delineated. A discussion on the origin of the Izu Islands is also given on the basis of the above accounts. Lucanus gamunus is included in the parryi-group of the genus Lucanus SCOPOLI, 1763. This group consists of the three species, gamunus SAWADA et Y. WATANABE, 1960,parryi BOILEAU, 1899,and laetus ARROW 1943 (=oberthuri PLANET, 1897,nec PLANET, 1896). Of these, gamunus is the most primitive and laetus is the most evolved. The range of individual variation is smallest and rather constant in gamunus and largest in laetus. A similar tendency has been known in the other species-groups of the genus Lucanus SCOPOLI, and also in other lucanid genera. From this, the following two rules may be inferred : in the same group, subgenus, or genus, a species showing smaller individual variation can be regarded as primitive, and on the contrary, a variable species can be considered to be evolved; and in a variable species smaller individuals are closer in appearance to the ancestral form of that species. Based upon the zoogeographic analysis of the parryi-group, the auth or came to the conclusion that gamunus did not originate in the Izu Islands or anywhere else in Japan proper. It must have arisen somewhere in the Continental China, perhaps in the western part, and immigrated into the Izu Islands through Japan proper. In an older glacial age of the Pleistocene, the ancestor of gamunus may have invaded Japan from the Continent, perhaps from Central China, and during the next interglacial age, it was isolated and survived in Japan. The legitimate descendant that had remained in the Continent became evolved into parryi-like psecies. In the last stage, the most evolved species, laetus, arose in the native land of this group, West China, and parryi was expelled from there to the mountains bordering on Fukien and Kiangsi. It can be safely said that in the parryi-group, the most primitive species survives in an area most distant from the centre of dispersal of this group, while the most evolved species occupies the native place. In many groups of the genus Lucanus Scopoli, it is not true that primitive species are found in the centre of dispersal not that the land having many species is the centre of dispersal.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
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