- 論文の詳細を見る
During the collecting trip to the Izu Peninsula, central Japan (Natural History Project of the Japanese Islands) on October 9 to 18,1980,more than 100 specimens of the gobiid fish Luciogobius grandis ARAI were collected from Eno-ura (35°11'N, 139°09'E), Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawana (34°57'N, 139°08'E), Harai (34°54'N, 139°08'E) and the coast of Jogasaki (34°53'N, 139°08'E) of the Izu Peninsula. The present collection of such a large number is noteworthy, as the only record of this goby from Pacific coast of Japan was two specimens from Toi, the west coast of the Izu Peninsula, in 1906. Variations of several morphological characters were studied such as total vertebral number (VN), abdominal and caudal vertebral number (AV and CV), number of dorsal and anal rays, and structural morphology of anteriormost pterygiophores of dorsal and anal rays. The findings of specimens of Luciogobius platycephalus SHIOGAKI et DOTSU, L. elongatus REGAN, L. parvulus (SNYDER), L. sp. and Inu koma SNYDER in the fish collection by Mr. H. MASUDA from the coast of Jogasaki were also noteworthy. Luciogobius platycephalus is the first record from Honshu. Both of L. elongatus and L. parvulus are the first record from the Izu Peninsula. Several morphological characters of these specimens are described. Experiments for chromosome observation of L. grandis from Kawana were carried out. The diploid chromosome number of this species is 44. Squamation of Inu koma specimens from the coast of Jogasaki shows intermediate type between those of Inu ama and I. koma described by SNYDER (1909). When characters of Inu koma specimens from the coast of Jogasaki were compared with those of holotypes of Inu koma and I. ama, Inu koma cannot be differentiated from Inu ama in characters such as number of dorsal and anal rays, total vertebral number, abdominal and caudal vertebral number and others (Table 2). From above reasons, Inu ama is synonymized with Inu koma. On the other hand, DOTU (1957) erected a naked goby Luciogobius saikaiensis which is very similar to Inu koma except its scalelessness. This species was classified into Luciogobius for its scalelessness. However, scalelessness is one of the diagnostic characters of Luciogobius, but not the most important character for Luciogobius. Naked specimens have been reported in Clariger cosmurus and C. papillosus. As L. saikaiensis is more similar to Inu koma than to L. guttatus, which is closest to L. saikaiensis among species of Luciogobius, in vertebral character, body color and structural morphology of pterygiophores of dorsal and anal rays. Therefore, generic allocation of L. saikaiensis should be changed into Inu.
- 1981-12-01
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