Effect of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting for Coronary Flow Reserve Before and After Operation(Cardiovascular Surgery/CABG 1 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
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- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2005-03-01
Department of General and Cardiothoracic Surgery, Kanazawa University School of Medicine
SHIMIZU Tsuyoshi
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, The University of Tokyo
ITO Shigeki
Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Iwate Medical University
Saiki Naozumi
Department of Surgery II, Tokyo Medical University
Ishimaru Shin
Department of Surgery II, Tokyo Medical University
Saiki Naozumi
Department Of Cardiology Nishitokyo Central General Hospital
Ishimaru Shin
Surgery Ii Tokyo Medical University
SUDO Hiroshi
Department of Internal Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine
Ito Shigeki
Department Of Cardiology Nishitokyo Central General Hospital
Watanabe Go
Department Of General And Cardiothoracic Surgery Kanazawa University
Watanabe Go
Department Of Applied Physics Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Waseda University
Ishimaru Shin
東京医科大学 内科学第2
Amaya Kazutaka
Department of Cardiology, Nishitokyo Central General Hospital
Kurosu Fujio
Department of Cardiology, Nishitokyo Central General Hospital
Amemiya Tadashi
Department of Cardiology, Nishitokyo Central General Hospital
Hashimoto Masafumi
Department of Cardiology, Nishitokyo Central General Hospital
Suesada Hiroyuki
Department of Cardiology, Nishitokyo Central General Hospital
Ishimaru Shin
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Tokyo Medical University Hospital
Sudoh Hiroshi
Department Of Cardiology Nishitokyo Central General Hospital
Sudo Hiroshi
Department Of Internal Medicine Tokai University School Of Medicine
Amaya Kazutaka
Department Of Cardiology Nishitokyo Central General Hospital
Kurosu Fujio
Department Of Cardiology Nishitokyo Central General Hospital
Ito Shigeki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Amemiya Tadashi
Department Of Cardiology Nishitokyo Central General Hospital
Hashimoto Masafumi
Department Of Cardiology Nishitokyo Central General Hospital
Shimizu Tsuyoshi
Department Of Cardiothoracic Surgery The University Of Tokyo
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