- 論文の詳細を見る
In adult mongrel dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital (nembutal was used), electro-myograms were recorded from nineteen different muscles located in the laryngo-ph;tryngeal region during the deglutition of food. Swallowing movement was reflexively evokedby a tactile stimulus which had been caused by a cotton swab applied to the dorsal wallof the pharynx. On the other hand, implanted electrodes were fixed in the pharyngealmuscles artd three selected places of the cervical esophageal muscles, so that electro-myograms could be recorded from these muscles during the deglutition of food given onthe 2nd day after operation.On the basis of the results obtained, the muscles investigated were classified into thefollowing five groups: the muscles of the tongue (lst group), those lining the dorsal wallof the pharynx (2nd group), those showing respiratory fluctuation during activity (3rdgroup), those adhering to the hyoid bone and laryngeal cartilage (4th group), and thoseused for mastication (5th group).The muscles of the lst, 2nd, and 3rd groups were thought to play a main role in thedeglutition of food according to the modality and stage of muscular action in the case ofcommencement and cease of their work.Modalities of activity of these leading muscles in the respective stage of degluutitionwere divided into the following stages: (l) before the commencement of swallowingmovement (Fig. 5-A), (2) a stage preparatory for deglutition (Fig. 5-B), (3) an activity stageof the tongue and pharyngeal muscles (Fig. 5-C), divided into (a) an opening stage of thecommunicating region between tlae pltarynx and esophagus, and (b) a removing stage ofthe bolus to the pharyngo-esophageal region, and (4) an esophageal stage (Fig. 5-D).Schematical explanation was given on the relationship between muscular activityand the location of a bolus in the oral cavity, laryrngo-esophageal cavity, or esophaguswhen swallowing movement was contiutuous.
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1973-06-25
- 本邦の高海抜山岳草地における放牧乳牛群の生理生態学的研究
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- 骨格筋の機能に関する筋電図学的研究 : VI. 神経筋単位の放電間隔時系列の性質 其の3. いぬのτ^^--S曲線
- 骨格筋の機能に関する筋電図学的研究 : VI. 神経筋単位の放電間隔時系列の性質 其の2. 放電間隔時系列の解析
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