- 論文の詳細を見る
1) Tests were carried out on the rhizome and frond development of field bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) KUHN) and the effects induced by asulam of the rhizome of the plant when the leaves were treated with the compound. 2) The total lenghth of the rhizome segments dug up for one plant was 30 m, the rhizome having a diameter of about 1 cm and being at a depth of from 7 to 25 cm; the main stem of the rhizome was 3.7m long, the average length of the primary branches 1.25m, and of the secondary branches 0.29m. 3) New fronds are visible late in April in the central part of Japan. Growth of the axis appears to slow down during the early part of autumn. At the end of a growing season, the majority of the secondary branches of the rhizome carry one or two frond buds, which may serve to establish new fronds in the next year. 4) About half of the total number of fronds were found to carry an abaxial bud at their bases. 5) The fronds were dead within two months after the leaves of field bracken were treated with asulam and regrowth from the rhizome was prevented. (6) It seemed that asulam was translocated to the growing points of the rhizome branches readily enough to result in rotting within seven days after treatment. 7) The respiration of rhizome decreased soon after foliar treatment with asulam and after two months of treatment the decrease was remarkable.
- 日本雑草学会の論文
- 1973-02-25
井手 欽也
塩野義製薬 (株) 油日ラボラトリーズ
伊藤 幹二
伊藤 幹二
行永 寿二郎
井手 欽也
行永 寿二郎
行永 寿二郎
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- アシュラム : 8.カーバメート系除草剤 : 除草剤解説(2)
- イソウロン : 7.尿素系除草剤 : 除草剤解説(2)
- 71. イソオキサゾール尿素系除草剤Isouronのサトウキビに対する影響とサトウキビ畑における除草性の評価
- セイタカアワダチソウの生態に関する2,3の観察とasulamによる防除
- 28. 多年生雑草の防除におけるasulamの利用 : 第2報 ワラビおよびエゾノギシギシにおける^C-asulamのオートラジオグラフ
- ワラビに対するasulamの殺草効果とそれに関連する2,3の生態
- 28. 多年草雑草の防除におけるAsulamの利用 : (第1報) ワラビに対する殺草効果とそれに関連する2, 3の生態
- 果樹園の雑草管理に関する基礎研究 : 除草剤処理による雑草植生の変遷
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- 46. 果樹園における雑草管理に関する基礎研究 : 雑草調節と2, 3の除草処理について
- 29. イソオキサゾール系除草剤に関する研究(第1報) : イソオキサゾール尿素誘導体, とくにIsouron, 1-(5-tert-butylisoxazal-3-yl)-3, 3-dimethylureaの除草作用
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- 15. 除草剤土壌混和散布機の試作と利用
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