Logistic Regression Analysis of Inherited Polymorphism as Modulators of Stomach Cancer
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In order to elucidate relation of five enzymes and the susceptibility of stomach cancer and cigarette-smoking, epidemiological studies is performed. We have accumulated the blood sample of the stomach cancer patients and healthy people and analyzed the gene identification by PCR method. There data are analyzed by several statistical methods, i.e., odds ratio calculations, chi-square calculation and logistic regression. From the analysis, we have confirmed a strong correlation of the gene GSTM1 with the stomach cancer. Both calculations of odds ratio and chi-square indicate that the gene is considered with over 95% reliability as an important gene for the stomach cancer. As for the effect of the other genes, the order ot the correlation is obtained as GSTM1 > GSTT1 > NAT1 > GSTP1 > NAT2 from both the odds ratio analysis an chi-square analysis. The analysis of the effect of cigarette smoking as an environmental factor gives a quite interesting result. The logistic regression analysis shows that the people who does not have the gene is easy to raise the susceptibility a little smoking. On the other hand, the susceptibility of the people who has the gene goes down by a little smoking.
- バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会の論文
KATOH Takahiko
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University
Kotake Takeshi
国立循環器病センター 薬剤部
Department of Biochemistry, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
ITOH Hideaki
Department of Surgery, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Medicine
NAKANO Masahiro
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Nakano Masahiro
熊本大学医学部附属病院 薬剤
Katoh Takahiko
宮崎大学 医学部免疫感染病態学
Katoh Takahiko
Department Of Biochemistry School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Department of Health Information Science, School of Health Sciences, University of Occupational and
Department of Surgery I, School of Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
Itoh H
Shinshu Univ. Nagano‐shi Jpn
Nakano M
Department Of Information Science University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Nakano M
University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Nakano M
Department Of Biologicalsciences Teikyo University Of Science And Technology
Nagata Naoki
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Tottori University School Of Medicine
Nagata Naoki
Department Of Surgery I School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Nakano Masahiro
Department Of Biologicalsciences Teikyo University Of Science And Technology
Takasawa Shin
Department Of Biochemistry Nara Medical University
Takasawa Shin
Department Of Surgery I School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Kawamoto Toshihiro
Department Of Environmental Health School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental H
Yoshioka Makoto
Department Of Health Information Science School Of Health Sciences
Itoh Hideaki
Department Of Biochemistry Akita University School Of Medicine
Nakano M
Univ. Occupational And Environmental Health Jpn
Katoh T
Univ. Occupational And Environmental Health
Nakano Masahiro
Deparment Of Physics Kyushu University
NAKANO Masahiro
Department of Physics, Kyushu University:Department of Physics, Saga University
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