- 論文の詳細を見る
In a 3-year-old Holstein cow, a tumor mass replaced the left olfactory bulb. The tumor was highly or moderately cellular, and consisted of tumor cells showing pleomorphism and anaplasia, sometimes with intracytoplasmic granules. The tumor showed weak reactivity for neurofilaments (NF) in most cells with distinct staining in a minority, and it was extremely rare to see neoplastic cells with positivity for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The neoplastic cells displayed some ultrastructural features reminiscent of ganglionic cells, and the cytoplasmic granularity was due to the presence of numerous lysosomes. This tumor expressing both NF and GFAP may be histogenetically related to brain tumors of pluripotential cell origin in calves.
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1999-08-25
門田 耕一
石川 義春
和田 好洋
石川 ユミ
Kimura K
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Ishikawa Yoshiharu
Hokkaido Research Station National Institute Of Animal Health
Hokkaido Research Station, National Institute of Animal Health
Shiribeshi Livestock Hygiene Service Center
WADA Yoshihiro
Rumoi Livestock Hygiene Service Center
KONDO Hiroshi
Ishikari Livestock Hygiene Service Center
Kimura K
Advanced Research Laboratory Nippon Steel Co. Ltd.
Kondo H
Kitasato Univ. Aomori Jpn
Wada Y
Wada Animal Hospital Hiroshima
Ishikawa Yumi
Veterinary Teaching Hospital School Of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science Kitasato University
Ishikawa Yumi
Veterinary Teaching Hospital Kitasato University
Kadota Koichi
Hokkaido Research Station National Institute Of Animal Health
木村 耕三
Shiribeshi Livestock Hygiene Service Center
和田 好洋
Rumoi Livestock Hygiene Service Center
近藤 博
Ishikari Livestock Hygiene Service Center
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