Intestinal Spirochetosis in a 21-Month-Old Thoroughbred Colt
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A 21-month-old Thoroughbred colt showed continuous diarrhea and developmental retardation for 7 months, and was thereafter subjected to euthanasia for necropsy and laboratory examinations. At necropsy, the cecal and colonic mucosae were diffusely rough and hyperemic. Histopathologically, the mucosa and submucosa were edematous and were infiltrated by numerous lymphocytes and macrophages. Meanwhile, three morphological types of Brachyspira antigen-containing spirochetes were found to be numerous in the crypts and in the mucus layer over the epithelium in the cecal and colonic lesions. They were frequently observed in intercellular gaps and in the cytoplasm of degenerative epithelial cells, and in the lamina propria, particularly in cavities around blood vessels. These invasive intestinal spirochetes might be one of pathogens inducing colitis and diarrhea in horses.
Epizootic Research Center, Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association
Ishikawa Yoshiharu
Hokkaido Research Station National Institute Of Animal Health
Kuwano Atsutoshi
Clinical And Pathobiology Division Equine Research Institute Japan Racing Association
Anzai Toru
Epizootic Research Center Equine Research Institute Japan Racing Association
SATO Hiroaki
Hidaka Training and Research Center
Kadota Koichi
Hokkaido Research Station National Institute Of Animal Health
Shibahara Tomoyuki
Hokkaido Research Station National Institute Of Animal Health
KUWANO Atsutoshi
Clinical Science and Pathobiology Division, Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association (JRA)
UENO Takanori
Clinical Science and Pathobiology Division, Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association (JRA)
Hokkaido Research Station, National Institute of Animal Health
Epizootic Research Station, Equine Research Institute
SATO Hiroaki
Hidaka Yearling Training Farm of Japan Racing Association
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