Immunohistochemical Study of Lymphomas of Abdominal Cavity Origin in Two Cows with Bovine Leukemia Virus
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Lymphoid neoplasms of abdominal cavity origin were found in two cows infected with bovine leukemia virus (BLV). Case 1 was a 3-year-old Japanese Black cow affected with a B-1 B cell lymphoma. Case 2 was a 14-year-old Japanese Black cow that developed a γδ T cell lymphoma. Immunohistochemically, CD79a-positive lymphoma cells were observed in case 1, whereas CD3-, WC1- or perforin-positive ones were seen in case 2. Despite the expression of CD5 in both lymphomas, the reactivity was surface or cytoplasmic in case 1 and surface membrane in case 2. Erythrophagia by tumor cells of both cases was considered to be due to the fact that their normal counterparts were more primitive forms than conventional lymphocytes.
- 独立行政法人 国際農林水産業研究センターの論文
Ishikawa Yoshiharu
Hokkaido Research Station National Institute Of Animal Health
Kadota Koichi
Hokkaido Research Station National Institute Of Animal Health
ABE Yuka
Akita Chuo Livestock Hygiene Service Center
SHOJI Hiroshi
Kennan Veterinary Clinical Center, Akita Prefectural Agricultural Mutual Aid Association
OTA Kazuhiro
Kennan Veterinary Clinical Center, Akita Prefectural Agricultural Mutual Aid Association
Kennan Veterinary Clinical Center, Akita Prefectural Agricultural Mutual Aid Association
Fukui Prefectural Livestock Hygiene Service Center
Fukui Prefectural Livestock Hygiene Service Center
Fukui Prefectural Livestock Hygiene Service Center
Fukui Animal Hygiene Center of Fukui Prefecture
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