- 論文の詳細を見る
Nine female Japanese monkeys were ovariectomized. The exact time of ovulation was determined in them by laparoscopic observation of ovaries. Accurately dated ovaries were examined histologically. Some slight folds and some large lutein-cell-like granulosa cells were seen in a pre-ovulatory follicle. They suggested that a luteinization might have started in an ovary before ovulation. The formation of a new corpus luteum progressed gradually during the first 40 hours after ovulation and was accelerated during the following several days. The data obtained in this study differed in some aspects from those in a study of rhesus monkeys. An invasion of the granulosa layer by blood capillaries was seen in the corpus luteum 15 hours after ovulation and the capillaries had already rcached a cavity 37-40 hours after ovulation. Mitotic figures were observed in granulosa and theca interna cells until 43-47 hours after ovulation. It was not impossible to distinguish granulosa cells from theca interna cells in any stage, although it was difficult to do so in some stage.
- 1978-06-25
和 秀雄
Osaka University
和 秀雄
NIGI Hideo
The Japan Monkey Centre
和 秀雄
Nigi H
Osaka University
和 秀雄
日本獣医畜産大 獣医畜産
Nigi Hideo
Nippon Veterinary
Nigi Hideo
Graduate School Of Human Sciences Osaka University
Nigi Hideo
Nippon Veterinary And Animal Science University
和 秀雄
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