Magnetic Properties of MnZnSb
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1993-12-30
Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku Gakuin University
坂爪 新一
Center For Low Temperature Science Tohoku University
KANEKO Takejiro
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Miura S
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Miura S
Institute For Materials Research (imr) Tohoku University
Kanomata Takeshi
Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku Gakuin University
Yoshida Hajime
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
坂爪 新一
Miura Shihou
High Field Laboratory For Superconducting Materials Institute For Materials Research Tohoku Universi
Yoshida H
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Kaneko Takejiro
Institute For Materials Reseach Tohoku University
MORI SIin-ichi
Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku Gakuin University
Institute For Materials Research, Tohoku University
Mori S
Nec Corp. Tokyo Jpn
Hojyo Yoshifumi
Department Of Engineering Tohoku Gakuin University
Yamauchi Hiroshi
Institute For Materials Research (imr) Tohoku University
- X-ray Powder Diffraction Studies of Mn_3Ga_Al_C in Magnetic Fields
- Magnetic Properties of Weak Itinerant Electron Ferromagnet CoVSb
- 28a-D-8 CeB_6における多重極モーメントのゆらぎ
- 28a-ZJ-3 LaSn_3の音響的dHvA効果II
- 27a-ZJ-13 Ce_xLa_B_6の弾性異常と電気四重極モーメント
- 29p-APS-79 LaSn_3の音響的dHvA効果
- 29p-APS-10 CeSbの磁気相転移におけるMagneto-Thermal効果
- 5a-F-9 重い電子系のdHvA効果を目的とした大型希釈冷凍機の試作
- 4a-Z-4 Ce_xLa_B_6の極低温における四重極応答ll
- 30p-YN-15 Ce_xLa_B_6の極低温における四重極応答
- 12a-R-6 Ce_La_B_6における四重極子の揺動状態
- In-gap Electronic States Responsible for the Excellent Thermoelectric Properties of Ni-based Half-Heusler Alloys
- Study of π^+π^- Pair Production in a Two-Photon Process at TRISTAN : VENUS Collaboration
- High-Field Magnetization Process of (Cr_V_y)_5Te_8 at 5K
- Pressure Effect on the Magnetic Transition Temperatures of Ni_2In-Type (Mn_Co_u)_7Sn_4
- Nonlinear Pressure Dependences of the Ferrimagnetic Curie and the Ferrimagnetic-to-Antiferromagnetic Transition Temperatures in (Cr_Ti_x)_5S_6
- Spin Reorientation of Mn_Fe_xSb
- Magnetic Properties of Intermetallic Compounds Mn_3PtC_x (x=0-0.1)
- High Field Magnetization in Manganese Intermetallic Compounds(Magnetism)
- Field Induced Transitions in Rare Earth Intermetallic Compounds RX and RX_2 (R=Er, Ho, Dy, Tb and Gd and X=Ag and Au)(Magnetism)
- Magnetic Properties of Cubic Intermetallic Compounds RCu_4Pd (R=Gd,Tb,Dy,Ho and Er)
- Pressure Dependence of High-T_c Superconducting Oxides
- Metamagnetic Properties of the Intermetallic Compounds ErAu and HoAu
- Electric Resistivity and Thermal Expansion of DyAu_2
- Low-Temperature Properties of the Dense Kondo System Ge_La_B_6
- Pressure Effect on the Magnetic Properties of Ce(Fe_Co_x)_2(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Magnetic Behavior of Helical Magnet Fe_Co_Si
- Magnetic Properties of Ternary DyMn_2X_2 Compounds (X=Si and Ge)(Magnetism)
- Itinerant Electron Ferromagnetism in Fe_Co_xSi Studied by Polarized Neutron Diffraction
- Electric Resistivity of the Antiferromagnetic Compounds RAg_2(R=Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er)
- Magnetic Properties of Intermetallic Compounds RAg_2(R=Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er)
- Magnetic Properties and Phase Stability of Icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn-B Quasicrystals
- Solid Solution Range of Boron, Microhardness and Magnetic Properties of the Perovskite-Type GdRh_3B Obtained by Arc-melting Synthesis
- Signal Observation from a Pulsed Ionization Chamber Filled with Tetramethyl Germanium
- Neutron Emission from Fracture of Piezoelectric Materials in Deuterium Atmosphere
- Nonlinear Magnetization Process of Single-Crystalline FeSi : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc
- Precise Magnetization Measurements of Single-Crystalline FeSi under High Pressure
- Magnetization Measurements of Weak Itinerant Electron Ferromagnet Ni-Pt Alloy
- Crystalline Electric Field Ground State of NdB_6
- 28a-D-9 Ce_xLa_B_6の低温比熱
- 2p-W-6 Ce_xLa_B_6の磁相図と低温物性
- Observation of Heavy Hole State in CeSb
- Magnetic Entropy Changes of SmMn_2Ge_2 under High Pressure
- 27a-M-16 大型希釈冷凍機によるCeSbの音響的dHvA効果
- Antiproton-nucleon Annihilation into π^oM and ηM with M=η, ω, ρ, and πin Antiproton-deuterium Annihilation at Rest : Elementary Particles and Fields
- 進行性の障害者を指向したユーザインタフェース : 時間縦断的な検討
- Magnetic Field-Induced Strain of Ni-Co-Mn-In Alloy in Pulsed Magnetic Field
- 31a-J-1 dilution温度領域におけるf電子系のdHvA効果
- 5a-PS-26 dilution領域のdHvA効果
- 3p-S3-22 希釈冷凍機中での音響的ドハース・ファンアルフェン効果
- Crystal Structure, Oxygen Content and Superconductivity of M_xLa_CuO_ (M=Ba, Sr and Ca) : Electrical Properties Condensed Matter
- Magnetic Phase Diagrams of Ce_xLa_B_6
- Observation of Acoustic de Haas-van Alphen Effect in Heavy Electron Compound CeB_6
- Ce_La_B_6の極温比熱とメタ磁性転移の異方性
- 30p-PSB-12 Ce_xLa_B_6の極低温における四重極応答III
- 26aJ-13 磁気異方性の小さい系 NdB_6におけるメタ磁性転移
- 31p-P-6 Ce_xLa_B_6の磁気相図
- 28a-PS-126 EuSのスピン波ブリルアン散乱
- UX_2(X=Ge, Ga)アモルファス合金の磁性と伝導
- 12p-R-17 重い電子系超伝導体UPd_2Al_3の弾性的性質
- Conventional Magnetic Field Sensor(Transport and Fermiology)
- de Haas-van Alphen Studies of YbAs above and below Neel Temperature
- 30p-PS-13 アモルファスCe-Si合金の磁気抵抗
- 3p-S3-20 dilution領域におけるdHvA効果
- Stress-induced Martensitic Transformation and Superelasticity of Alloys : Experiment and Theory
- NMR Spectra of ^59Co and ^14N in CoN (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- NMR Spectra of ^Co and ^N in CoN
- Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Compounds MnN and FeN : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- A New Mass-Enhanced Ferromagnet: U_2PtSi_3
- High Field X-Ray Diffraction Studies on MnFeP_As_
- Field-Induced Martensitic Transformation in New Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Compound Mn_Co_Ge
- Pressure Effect of the Lattice Parameters for Mn_2Sb and MnMGe (M=Al, Ga)
- Design and Performance of Water-Cooled Magnets(Part I. Establishment and Tests of Hybrid Magnet System at HFLSM)
- General Survey of Tohoku Hybrid Magnet System(Part I. Establishment and Tests of Hybrid Magnet System at HFLSM)
- Operation and Control of Hybrid Magnet System(Part I. Establishment and Tests of Hybrid Magnet System at HFLSM)
- 27-a-F-2 希土類モノプニクタイトの音響的dHvA効果
- Pressure Effect on Curie Temperature in MnZnSb
- Photoemission Study of the Itinerant Helimagnetic MnSi
- Specific Heat Measurement of the Single-Crystalline FeSi and its Theoretical Analysis : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- High-Power Water-Cooled Magnets in Tohoku University(Part II. Several Instruments and Techniques Developed in HFLSM)
- Effectiveness of Acoustic Emission Technique to Monitor Pancake Wound Superconducting Magnets(Part II. Several Instruments and Techniques Developed in HFLSM)
- Transport Properties of Ternary Magnetic Compounds Mn_M_xGaC (M=Cr and Fe)
- Metamagnetic Transition in NdB_6 with a Small Magnetic Anisotropy in Low Magnetic Fields
- Magnetic Properties of MnZnSb
- Magnetic Properties of MnGaGe
- Nonlinear Pressure Dependence of the Curie Temperature in (Cr_V_y)_5Te_8 and (Cr_Ti_x)_5Te_8
- Construction and Application of Materials Database for Non-Equilibrium and Metastable Phases
- Magnetic Phase Transition of Cr_2Se_3
- Pressure Effect on the Magnetic Transition Temperatures of Mn_7Sn_3 Ge and Mn_7Sn_2Ge_2
- Mechanical Properties and Electrical Conductivity of Heavily Cold-Rolled Cu_Zr_x Alloys (x=0-8)
- Incoherent Kondo Behaviors in Amorphous Ce_xCu_ Alloy
- Elastic Properties of Dense Kondo Compounds CeNiSn and CePdSn
- Thermal Expansion in Chromium Chalcogenides Cr_2X_3 (X=Se, Te)
- Magnetic Properties of New Heusler Alloys Ru_2MnZ (Z=Si, Ge, Sn and Sb)
- Thermal Expansion and Pressure Effect on the Charge-Density Wave Transition Temperature of V_3Te_4
- Anomalous Paramagnetic Property of NdNbO_4 Single Crystals
- Preparation of Oriented Orthorhombic LnBa_2Cu_3O_ Polycrystals
- 24a-F-16 CeSn_3の音響的dHvA効果
- Coherent Kondo State in Amorphous Ce-Ru Alloy
- 希釈冷凍機