Helical Type Kicker for Stochastic Momentum Cooling
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1986-12-20
Noda A
Nikko Materials Co. Ltd. Ibaraki Jpn
Tokuda Norio
Nanotechnology Research Institute National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (
Noda Akira
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Tokuda Noboru
Institute For Nuclear Study Univ. Of Tokyo
Institute for Molecular Science
Institute for Nuclear Study, Univ. of Tokyo
Katayama T
Institute For Nuclear Study Univ. Of Tokyo
Yoshizawa Morio
Institute For Nuclear Study Univ. Of Tokyo
Katayama Takeshi
Institute For Nuclear Study Niversity Of Tokyo
- Atomic Topography Change of SiO_2/Si Interfaces during Thermal Oxidation : Semiconductors
- SiO_2 Surface and SiO_2/Si Interface Topography Change by Thermal Oxidation : Semiconductors
- Selective Growth of Buried n^+ Diamond on (001) Phosphorus-Doped n-Type Diamond Film
- Nanometer Scale Height Standard Using Atomically Controlled Diamond Surface
- Exciton-derived Electron Emission from (001) Diamond p-n Junction Diodes with Negative Electron Affinity
- Hillock-Free Heavily Boron-Doped Homoepitaxial Diamond Films on Misoriented (001) Substrates
- High-Efficiency Excitonic Emission with Deep-Ultraviolet Light from (001)-Oriented Diamond p-i-n Junction
- Selective Growth of Monoatomic Cu Rows at Step Edges on Si(111) Substrates in Ultralow-Dissolved-Oxygen Water
- Nonuniformity in Ultrathin SiO_2 on Si(111) Characterized by Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy
- Selective Growth of Cu Nanowires on Si(111) Substrates
- In Situ Measurements of Drastic Change of Electrical Conductivity and Structure upon Electrochemical Lithium Intercalation in Pyrolyzed Poly(hydrazocarbonyl-1-4-phenylenecarbonyl) Film
- A Novel Technique for Monitoring the Reproducibility of Laser Tape-Target Interactions Using an X-ray Pinhole Camera
- Real-Time Optimization of Proton Production by Intense Short-Pulse Laser with Time-of-Flight Measurement
- Fast Extraction of Electrons from INS Synchrotron for Injection to SOR-RING
- Beam-Profile Control Using an Octupole Magnet
- Novel Design for Electromagnet with Wide Excitation Range
- A Pulse Stretcher by Slow Extraction Utilizing the Third-Order Resonance with the RF Knockout Method
- The Stretcher Operation of KSR (NUCLEAR SCIENCE RESEARCH FACILITY-Particle and Photon Beams)
- Spot Scanning Using Radioactive ^C Beams for Heavy-Ion Radiotherapy
- The Spot Scanning Irradiation with ^C Beams
- Commissioning of the Electron Ring, KSR (NUCLEAR SCIENCE RESEARCH FACILITY?Beams and Fundamental Reaction)
- Model Test of Biperiodic L-support Disk-and-Washer Linac Structure
- Vacuum System of Beam Irradiation and Monitoring Apparatus
- Beam Current Monitor with a Troidal Coil for a Pulsed Proton Beam
- Characteristics of the Ion Source and Low Energy Beam Transport of the Proton Linac at ICR
- Present Status of the Vacuum System for the 7 MeV Proton Linac
- Cold Model Test of a DTL with Transition from 47π to 2π-Mode Acceleration
- Commissioning of the 7 MeV Proton Linac at ICR Kyoto University
- High Power Dummy-Load for RF System in the Linac
- Design Study of a Beam Matching Section for the ICR Proton Linac
- Cold Model Test of A Four Vane RFQ for Multi-Purpose Use Linac
- Longitudinal and Transverse Coupling of the Beam Temperature Caused by the Laser Cooling of ^Mg^+
- Feedback Damping of a Coherent Instability at Small-Laser Equipped Storage Ring, S-LSR
- Lattice Design of a Proton Synchrotron for Medical Use
- Analysis of the Angular Distribution and the Intensity of Parametric X-Ray Radiation in a Bragg Case
- Production of Monochromatic γ Rays from Thin Crystal of Silicon
- Helical Type Kicker for Stochastic Momentum Cooling
- Suppression of Increase in Impurity in Single-Bunch Mode for the UVSOR Storage Ring
- Bunch Lengthening in Single-Bunch Mode of UVSOR Storage Ring : Techniques, Instrumentations and Measurement
- Suppression of Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instability by Decoupling Method : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- Longitudinal Active Damping System for UVSOR Storage Ring
- The Effect of Field Error of an Undulator Magnet on the Tune
- Electron Emission from a Diamond (111) p-i-n^+ Junction Diode with Negative Electron Affinity during Room Temperature Operation
- Monochromatization of Collimated Coherent Bremsstrahlung from a Thin Silicon Crystal
- Ion-Trapping Effect in UVSOR Storage Ring
- Beam Loading Effect on Capture Efficiency in Radio Frequency Acceleration in Electron Synchrotron
- 31p GA-3 NUMATRON and Accumulator Ring for Heavy Ions
- Simultaneous Proton and X-ray Imaging with Femtosecond Intense Laser Driven Plasma Source
- High-Quality Laser-Produced Proton Beam Realized by the Application of a Synchronous RF Electric Field
- Hillock-Free Heavily Boron-Doped Homoepitaxial Diamond Films on Misoriented (001) Substrates
- Real-Time Optimization of Proton Production by Intense Short-Pulse Laser with Time-of-Flight Measurement
- Efficiency Enhancement of Indirect Transverse Laser Cooling with Synchro-Betatron Resonant Coupling by Suppression of Beam Intensity
- Electron Energy Spectrometer for Laser-Driven Energetic Electron Generation
- Efficiency Enhancement of Indirect Transverse Laser Cooling with Synchro-Betatron Resonant Coupling by Suppression of Beam Intensity
- Increase in Impurity in Single Bunch Mode of UVSOR Storage Ring