溶接順序が収縮及び残留応力に及ぼす影響 : 第1報 ブロック溶接における横収縮について
- 論文の詳細を見る
This research was performed for the purpose of studying the effect of welding sequence on the transverse shrinkage, deformation and residual stresses due to welding. Serial experiments are now under way. In this report the analysis about the part of the transverse shrinkage of the 1st, 2 nd and 3 rd serieses of this serial experiment concerning block-welding method was treated.The slit-type specimens as shown in Fig. 1 were used. The conditions of experiment concerning this report are summarized in Table 1. The main object of each series of experiment is as follows : 1 st series : Investigations on the principle of superposition in block-method, 2 nd series : Effect of weld length (slit fully welded), 3 rd series : Effect of length of slit (constant weld length).The measurement of transverse shrinkage was performed by the measuring machine after the welding of each block. The results obtained so far are summarized as follows : 1) Form of shrinkage Examples of form shrinkage are shown in Fig. 4. There exist following facts concerning the form of shrinkage caused by block-method.i) The maximum shrinkage occurs in the region of block just welded.ii) The rotational motion in centering around the unwelded edge of slit occurs in unwelded region.iii) welded The megnitude of shrinkage in the region already is nearly equal to zero.The following two factors, therefore, may be considered as the main factors concerning the effect of welding sequence on the transverse shrinkage.i) Effect of rotational motion in unwelded region.ii) The effect of variations in the degree of constraint due to welding some blocks.The form of shrinkage does not constitute a fair curve in every case of welding sequence, as far as the block-welding sequence is used, and the maximum shrinkage is produced in the region of block lastly welded.2) Principle of superposition There seems to exist a principle of superposition concerning the transverse shrinkage due to welding by block-method.3) Effect of degree of constraint When a long weld joint is welded by block-method, the degree of constraint may change in accordanec with the completion of welding of a certain block, and therefore, this change in degree of constraint affects the shrinkage obtaind in the welding of subsequent blocks. Moreover, the length of joint, and the ratio of weld length to the length of joint also have considerable effects on the magnitude of shrinkage.These effects of degree of constraint can be treated by using a coefficient of constraint K defined by Eq. (7)'. The value of shrinkage decreases with the increase of coefficient of constraint K as shown in Fig. 12. However, the product of mean shrinkage and coefficient of constraint which corresponds to the value of residual stress increases with the increase of K as shown in Fig. 13. This shows the fact that the value of residual stress may increase when the degree of constraint increases.4) Relation between weight of deposited metal and transverse shrinkage There exists a linear relation between shrinkage and logarithm of weight of deposited metal(actually the weight of electrode consumed per unit weld length) as far as the increase of shrinkage and weight of deposited metal due to welding of a certain block are taken into consideration. However, this logarithmic relation does not hold good when these values are considered across two blocks and over.This shows the fact that the logarithmic relation between transverse shrinkage and weight of deposited metal (or sectional area of deposited metal) holds good only in case of multilayer welding, and that mechanism of occurance of shrnkage at the welding of the first layer is quite different from that at the welding of the 2 nd layer and after.5) Effect of welding direction Direction of welding has not an significant effect, though the specimen, in which the welding was performed starting from the part where the constraint is large to the small, seems to produce rether. smaller shrinkage than that
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
木原 博
松山 泰
大供会:播摩造船所 造船部工作課:石川島造船化工機
松山 泰
増淵 興一
小椋 陽
木原 博
小椋 陽
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