- 論文の詳細を見る
The writers previously investigated the mixture length and shearing stress distribution in divergent and convergent flows of Nikuradse as typical flow under pressure gradient. The present paper is the extension of the former to general boundary layer flow. First of all they study an approximate expression of shearing stress distribution in the near wall region and show an advantage of using the effective pressure gradient instead of its nominal value. This idea is based on the correction due to acceleration terms in equation of motion. Through analogy to channel flows, they assume approximate distributions of mixture length and shearing stress in simple analytical forms as functions of η and β_<δe>. The notation used is listed below. By substituting the above quantities in their modified momentum relation velocity distribution is calculated. By the proper choice of β_<δe>, which is approximately a function of β_δ only, a fairly good agreement between calculated and observed results is obtained. This fact also implies that both the idea of the effective pressure gradient and expressions of mixture length and shearing stress distributions are proper in practical purpose. It is finally suggested that the ordinary method of solution using outer law of velocity distribution may be usefully improved by the adoption of the effective pressure gradient.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1958-07-30
- 低抵抗・高推進効率の船型設計法
- 1-9 低抵抗・高推進効率の船型設計法
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- 肥大船船尾流場と縦渦による誘導抵抗(その2)
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- 肥大船の有効伴流分布の推定
- 肥大船船尾流場と縦渦による誘導抵抗(その1)
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- 表面粗度による抵抗増加の研究 (第2報)
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- 「船と海洋構造物の推進システムの流体力学」に関するシンポジウム出席報告
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- 3-8 粗面の流体力学的研究(三学会連合講演会に於ける論文梗概)
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- 粘性流体理論と船型設計 : 抵抗推進研究の話題(2)
- 細長体の非線形揚力特性について : 新しい渦面モデルの導入とその検討
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- バラの楽しみ
- 亂流境界層に對する新解釋と其の應用 (第一報)