- 論文の詳細を見る
The simulator for Deep Submergence "SHINKAI2000" was constructed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries LTD. Kobe Shipyard & Engine Works and was delivered to Japan Marine Science and Technology Center in March l982. Function of this system is to simulate the submersible operation from descent to ascent including miscellaneous operations on the sea bottom and the purposes are to train operators and observers and to evaluate their operations. Following simulation are possible; motion of submersible, operation of equipment, visual field of the sea bottom, sonar display, acoustic noise inside the hull, environment inside the hull and submersible casualties. The system consists of pressure hull, attitude controller, sea bottom model, TV camera set and projectors, instructor console, computors, etc. Motion simulation of submersible includes descent/ascent motion and three-dimensional motion with propulsion system or weight-trim control system. This motion simulation is divided roughly into four parts, i.e. set of three-dimensional motion equations, external environment, motion characteristic change accompanying with depth change and equipment performance. Bottom suction force after bottomming and "Entanglement" are simulated by means of another set of equations. These equations were checked and showed good coincidence with real ship data. As evaluation system, training conditions and operation check-lists are displayed on each color CRT of the instructor console and operation procedures are typed out. Training data stored on magnetic disc can be played back by off-line procedure.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1982-09-30
網谷 泰孝
前田 俊夫
三菱重工業 神戸造船所
網谷 泰孝
早柏 宏一
山本 恵三
山本 恵三
前田 俊夫
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