岩手懸下閉伊郡の石灰岩地帶より得た特記すべき植物 3
- 論文の詳細を見る
In August 1956, June 1957 and October of the same year, the author visited the limestone range of Shimohei-gun, Pref Iwata, Japan, situated 100 m-800 m above the sea level and about 15 km far from the sea. There are cliff, escarpments and gravelly slopes consisted of the permo-carboniferous limestone. The study of the flora of this area has been neglected. This paper contains the results of his field observations and his herbarium works of the interesting vascular plants growing there, together with nomenclatural corrections and revisions of the related species. These are as follows : (1) The abundant plants are Acer mono, Quercus dentata, Tilia Maximowicziana, Lespedeza biclolor, L. Buergeri, Spiraea nipponica, galium verum var. trachycarpum, Gymnocarpium jessoense, Thalictrum foetidum subsp. Glabrescens var. Iwatensis. (2) The calciphilous plants detected are Amesium ruta-muraria, Bupleurum longiradiatum f. elatius, Camptosorus sibiricus, Cynanchum atratum, Dennstaedtia Wilfordii, Gymnocarpium jessoense, Philadelphus satsumi (with var. nikoensis), Polystichum craspedosorum, Rhamnus costata (f. nambuana9, Sisymbrium luteum, Smilax stans and Spiraea nipponica. (3) The new informations of the distributions are given for Aleuritopteris argentea, Allium splendens, Artemisia Schmidtiana, Astragalus adsurgens, A. membranaceus, Chrysanthemum Zawadskii, Gymnocarpium jessoense, Juniperus rigida, Sanicula rubriflora and Thalictrum foetidum subsp. Glabrescens. (4) The limestone ranges, concerned with (3), on one hand, reserve some plants of colder regions, such as Allium splendens, Artemisia Schmidtiana, Berberis amurensis var. Bretschneideri, Bupleurum longiradiatum f. elatius, Hypericum yezoense, Juniperus Sargentii, Leontopodium japonicum, Spiraea Miyabei and Thymus serphyllum subsp. quinquecostatus, and Juniperus rigida.
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