学びのもたらす解放 : アリストテレース『詩学』の「浄め(カタルシス)」
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The reading mathematon (recognition) in the definition of tragedy (Ch. 6, 1449b28) contributes to a coherent understanding of the Poetics. The phrase translates as '[tragedy] by pity and fear accomplishes katharsis of such recognition, ' in which the meanings and implications of 1) 'katharsis of recognition' and 2) 'such' come into question. 1) The genitive mathematon denotes the subject of the action katharsis (making clear), as two passages from Plato (Sophists 230c4-d9 and Phaedo 67c5-d10) support. This view leads to the rendering 'recognition makes [the spectator's soul] clear [of ignorance].' In short, the truth comes out. 2) 'Pity and fear, ' referred to by 'such (ton toiouton), ' are aroused only with the spectator's realization about the tragic hero, such as 'It may be my own affair' (See Rhetoric, II, 5 and II 8). This coincides with the identification of the depicted image with reality, expressed in Ch. 4, 1448b12-15, in illustrating the pleasure of learning, as 'This man [in the painting] is that man [in the real world].' The hero, as a representative (paradeigma, 1454b14) of the like, is associated with one example after another, thus attaining universality (See Ch. 9, 1451b5-10) In Aristotle's system of wisdom, artistic representation (mimesis) is thus comparable with philosophy in illuminating reality.
- 美学会の論文
- 1998-09-30
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