- 論文の詳細を見る
Klaudios Ptolemaios's (2nd. century A. D., Alexandria) musical psychology (Harmonika, III/5-7) deserves some attention. In chapter 7 a clear comparison is made between τουοι and psychic conditions (ηηθ), but here are found three peculiarities. 1. A kind of inconsistency-tonos in Harmonika means two separate (though interrelated) things : A) pitch-key and B) mode. Here the text seems to refer to the tonos A, whereas in the Book II it is the tonos B that was postulated. 2. Shift in argumentation-at the beginning of this chapter the correspondence made is between modulation of tonoi and transformation of mind, but later it shifts to the one between tonoi themselves and various states of mind-the idea of variation is absent. 3. The whole description is abstract. Now Ptolemaios's musical psychology and musical cosmology (III/8-16) are symmetrically constructed, in which the analogue to chapter 7 is chapter 12. This chapter, where the seven tonoi are likened to the seven parallels of latitude, contains two peculiarities completely similar to those present in chapter 7 (1 and 2 as above indicated). They were required from the context in which this chapter 12 is situated. Thus in the light of its relationship to chapter 12, the structure of chapter 7 can be fully explained, together with the inconsistency of its tonos idea. The basic character which penetrates the entire Harmonika, that is Ptolemaios's strong inclination for system, will account for the abstract nature of the chapter.
- 美学会の論文
- 1983-12-31
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- 渡辺裕, 『聴衆の誕生 ポスト・モダン時代の音楽文化』, 春秋社, 一九八九年, 二六二頁
- 現代日本における音楽学の可能性-2- (日本音楽学会第39回全国大会総覧--1988年11月12日〜13日)
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- Humanism in Italian Renaissance Musical Thought/Claude V.Palisca(1985)
- プトレマイオスの旋法(トノス)エートス論
- ハンス・シャヴェルノホ, 『天体のハルモニアー』, SCHAVERNOCH, Hans, Die Harmonie der Spharen. Die Geschichte der Idee des Welteneinklangs und der Seeleneinstimmung, Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg/Munchen, 1981
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- 第2回 成城大学国際芸術学コロキウム報告 :
- "哲学と文献学の新たな仲違い" : プラトーンの詩人論を解釈するコリンウッド
- もう一つの『詩学』注釈 : メーイ筆ヴェットーリ宛手紙2通(1559年) (小林義武教授記念)
- 序に代えて : ヨーロッパ紳士、小林義武 (小林義武教授記念)