- 論文の詳細を見る
Mode of occurrence and mineralogy of clay minerals in Komaki halloysite deposit, Shimane Prefecture, southwest Japan, and its surrounding granitic rocks have been investigated by means of X-ray powder diffraction and transmission and scanning electron microscopes. The Kamaki deposit is composed of two ore bodies which are sharply bordered from the host rocks. The clay minerals of ores are composed of halloysite, kaolinite and mica clay mineral associated with a small amount of smectite. The rocks in the deposit are divided into three alteration zones based on the clay mineral assemblages: zone I ( halloysite zone), zone II (kaolinite and halloysite zone), and zone III (kaolinite and mica clay mineral zone). The halloysite zone appears at the center of deposit, while the kaolinite and mica clay mineral zone occurs in the margin through the halloysite and kaolinite zone. Clay - veins (ca. 0.1 - 5 cm in width ) which are filled with halloysite kaolinite mica clay mineral and smectite are observed in the deposit. They have mainly N O°〜10°W, E-W and N30°〜60°W of ~ strike and nearly vertical dip. In the surrounding granitic rocks, the altered minerals and the clay - veins situated at higher levels are mainly composed of halloysite and kaolinite, whereas mica clay mineral and smectite are mainly found at lower levels. The clay - veins have mainly N O°〜10°W E-W and N30°〜60°W of strike and nearly vertical dip. The fractures found in the studied area seem to be formed by a regional lateral compression of NW-SE direction. Most of the clay deposit was formed by hydrothermal alteration of fractured felsitic rocks. The constituent minerals of clay - veins and major altered minerals in the surrounding rocks may be formed by a hydrothermal activity rather then weathering.
- 日本粘土学会の論文
- 1986-06-05
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- シリカフュームを添加したハイアルミナセメント水和物中のストラトリンジャイト
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- アジアの風化残積土地域における土砂災害 : スリランカ
- 岡山県・野田地すべり地に産する粘土鉱物と炭質物について
- 広島県西部, 花崗岩中の断層破砕帯に生成している粘土鉱物のK-Ar放射年代
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- 伊藤瑞章氏を偲んで
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- A6 西南日本に分布するロウ石鉱床のK-Ar放射年代とその地質学的意義 (第44回粘土科学討論会発表論文抄録)
- A6 西南日本に分布するロウ石鉱床のK-Ar放射年代とその地質学的意義
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- Andamooka & Cooper Pedy Opalfields (F5) 見学旅行記
- B16 韓国における花崗岩中の粘土細脈とそのK-Ar放射年代
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- 45.粘土細脈の生成機構について
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