A Study of Embolizing Materials for Chemo-embolization Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma : Effects of Chitin Concentration on cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum(II) Albumin Microsphere Properties and Antitumor Effect in VX_2 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Model Rab
- 論文の詳細を見る
cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (CDDP) albumin microspheres were prepared with various chitin concentrations and microsphere CDDP contents, specific surface area, surface structure and other microsphere properties. CDDP release in vitro and the antitumor effect in VX_2 tumor model rabbits were investigated. CDDP content was increased as the concentration of chitin increased; at a chitin concentration of 6.0% it was about 2 times that without chitin. Specific surface area also increased with chitin concentration. CDDP release rate from various microspheres in vitro was suppressed as chitin concentration increased.Thus, microsphere properties, especially surface structure, are affected by an increase in chitin concentration. In experiments in vivo, various microspheres were injected into the hepatic artery of VX_2 hepatocellular carcinoma model rabbits, and the effects of the chitin concentration on the time course of blood platinum (Pt) level and the antitumor effect were assessed. The blood Pt concentration increased with increase in chitin concentration, with a maximum of 0.45 μg/ml at a concentration of 6.0%, even 7 d following microsphere administration. Tumor growth was suppressed when the chitin concentration was increased. Tissue Pt concentrations also increased in the presence of chitin. These findings suggest that increasing the chitin concentration might promote microsphere decomposition and hence CDDP release in vivo, thus improving immunopotentiating activity and resulting in enhanced CDDP antitumor effect. The detailed mechanism of the action, however remains to be studied.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1993-11-15
京谷 庄二郎
大西 三朗
岡村 政志
西岡 豊
Department of Pharmacy, Kochi Madical School Hospital
京谷 庄二郎
Department of Pharmacy, Kochi Madical School Hospital
棚田 成紀
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kinki University
岡村 政志
Department of Pharmacy, Kochi Medical School Hospital
大西 三朗
The First Department of Internal Medicine Kochi Medical School
山本 泰猛
The First Department of Internal Medicine Kochi Medical School
中村 武夫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Kinki University
山本 泰猛
岡村 政志
Department Of Pharmacy Kochi Medical School Hospital
- 01P2-012 天然物資源の探索と医療への応用(第1報) : 日本中国伝承生薬の分析と薬理活性の検証(薬物療法(基礎と臨床),医療薬学の扉は開かれた)
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- 21-P1-141 中国・日本の伝統生薬の分析と薬理活性の検証(第4報) : 蝉退抽出エキスの抗酸化活性とアレルギー性皮膚炎抑制効果(健康食品・サプリメント,来るべき時代への道を拓く)
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- P-343 海洋深層水の薬理活性について (2) : 海洋深層水の高脂血症の治療効果に及ぼす硬度の影響
- P-342 海洋深層水の薬理活性について (1) : 海洋深層水の高脂血症の予防効果に及ぼす硬度の影響
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- 12P-7-46 難治性皮膚潰瘍適応のストレプトキナーゼ・ゼリー : 壊死組織除去・肉芽形成作用とゼリー剤の物性
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- 一包化調剤実施による錠剤・カプセル剤の安定性
- 148. 線維化の進展に関与する lymphokine の検索(chemical mediators)
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- A Study of Embolizing Materials for Chemo-embolization Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma : Antitumor Effect of cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum(II) Albumin Microspheres, Containing Chitin and Treated with Chitosan on Rabbits with VX_2 Hepatic Tumors
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- A Study of Embolizing Materials for Chemo-embolization Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma : Effects of Chitin Concentration on cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum(II) Albumin Microsphere Properties and Antitumor Effect in VX_2 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Model Rab
- 5-Fuエマルションの試作とその安定性
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- B型肝炎ウイルス感染に対する生体免疫反応と病像の成立 (感染とその生体反応)
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- (2) B型肝炎ウイルス感染に対する生体免疫反応と病像の成立
- Physical Adsorption of Hydrogen Sulfide in Micropores of Zeolite and Activated Carbon
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- Adsorption of Hydrogen Sulfide, Dimethyl Sulfide, and Their Binary Mixtures into Pores of N-Containing Activated Carbon(Environmental)
- 殺菌剤オキシン銅のキトサン誘導体への吸着
- P-0797 後発医薬品使用推進における問題点と薬剤師の意識調査(一般演題 ポスター発表,後発医薬品,Enjoy Pharmacists' Lifestyles)
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