炭水化物系化合物の自動酸化分解(第5報) : アスコルビン酸の褐変分解 その1
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On standing at room temperature, the ethanol solution of ascorbic acid (AAH_2), 5,6-isopropylidene ascorbic acid (Ip-AAH_2) or dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) and a variety of amines (Table I) in the ratio 1 : 2 moles was discoloured to brown under autoxidative decomposition. It is evident that 1)O_2 was required for the browning discoloration of AAH_2-amine system, but not required for the browning of DHA-amine system ; 2) the browning intensities of the assayed amines were in the following order : primary amines>secondary amines>tertiary amines ; and it was proportional to their pKa value. As a decomposed product dioxalamide II was obtained from the system of 1) AAH_2 and the amines showed in Table I and 4,2) Ip-AAH_2 and the arylamines in Table II, 3) DHA and the arylamines in Table III and IV. Oxalamide II and another two deposits, arylamine salt of 2-dehydroxy-2-arylamino ascorbic acid (I) and 2,3-didehydroxy-2,3-diarylamino ascorbic acid (III), were separated from the browning solution of AAH_2-arylamine system. Five more decomposed were obtained from the mother solution : N, N'-mesoxalamide hydrate (IV), N-aryloxamic acid (V), azobenzene derivatives (VI), glyceric acid (VII) and L-threonic acid (VIII). 82.5% of the specific radioactivity was measured in II obtained from AAH_2-^<14>C_1 and p-toluidine. From this result it was deduced that II was formed by fragmentation of the C_2-C_3 bond and IV and VII formed by fragmentation of the C_3-C_4 bond of AAH_2. AAH_2 was decomposed to II, IV etc. through AAH・freeradically under autoxidation.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1970-08-25
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