各種分子量を有するXylitol-Iron-Citrate Complex の調製ならびにそれらComplex筋肉内注射時の鉄血中濃度および尿中排泄に対する分子量の影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
Various xylitol-iron-citrate complexes were prepared by addition of 0.15 molar ratio of sodium citrate to iron (III) to the xylitol-iron complexes, which were obtained by the static hydrolysis of aqueous solution of ferric chloride hexahydrate with Amberlite IRA-410 (OH type) in the presence of 0-1.42 molar ratio of xylitol to iron (III) (X1/Fe). Particle properties of the xylitol-iron-citrate complexes, plasma iron level, and urinary excretion of iron following intramuscular administration of the complexes were examined. (1) Sedimentation constant of the complexes decreased with augmentation of X1/Fe as follows : X1/Fe=0 : 21.6S, X1/Fe=0.36 : 7.2S, X1/Fe=0.71-1.42 : 4.0-4.7S. (2) There was a tendency for the maximum iron level in plasma and urinary excretion of iron to increase during the first 24 hr after application with decreasing molecular weight of the complexes.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1971-12-25
藤田 孟
Department Of Drug Metabolism
藤田 孟
大郷 利治
川島 英敏
高松 富夫
木下 健策
宮尾 興平
木下 健策
Department of Drug Metabolism
大郷 利治
大郷 利治
木下 健策
宮尾 興平
Pharmacological Research Laboratories Eisai Co. Ltd.
川島 英敏
エーザイ株式会社 薬理研究所
宮尾 興平
エーザイ株式会社 薬理研究所
大郷 利治
エーザイ株式会社 薬理研究所
高松 富夫
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