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An interaction between Ni^<2+> and purine derivatives, such as adenine, 6-chloropurine, 6-hydroxypurine, 6-methylpurine, 6-mercaptopurine and purine, at a mercury electrode-electrolyte interface was investigated. In the presence of purine derivatives, a catalytic prewave of Ni^<2+> prior to their reduction waves was observed on a direct current (DC) polarogram. The prewave was affected by the concentrations of Ni^<2+> and purine derivatives. Addition of gelatin caused the disappearance of the prewave, suggesting that the electrode process of the prewave involves the adsorption of purine derivatives and/or their complexes with Ni^<2+> on the electrode surface. Effects of concentration and nature of cation of supporting electrolyte (nitrates were used) were also examined : The prewave height (i_<pre>) was markedly lowered with increasing concentration and i_<pre> was given in the order of Li^+>Na^+>Cs^+. On the basis of the experimental results, a possible reaction mechanism was proposed taking the following facts into consideration : Ni (H_2O)_6^<2+> is transported to the electrode surface through diffusion, then the complex formation takes place immediately between Ni^<2+> and preadsorbed purine derivatives, and the resulting complexes are more easily reduced than Ni (H_2O)_6^<2+>.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1981-05-25
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