- 論文の詳細を見る
To examine the mechanism of the enhancement of tocopherol concentration in the testis of rats when the inflammation was induced by CdCl_2 administration, we measured concentrations of tocopherol homologues in the serum, liver and testis of CdCl_2-treated rats as a function of time. In the serum, α-and β-tocopherol concentrations increased significantly at 15 h after CdCl_2 administration, and those levels in the testis increased significantly at 24 h or 48 h after the metal administration. No significant change of the concentrations of tocopherols in the liver was seen by CdCl_2 administration. On the other hand, the incorporations of ^3H-α-tocopherol into the testis and the epididymis, when injected into the rat treated with CdCl_2,increased 6-and 8-fold as compared with those in control rats, respectively. These results indicate that α-tocopherol is actively incorporated into the inflammed testis via blood stream.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1985-10-31
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