有機塩素化合物の食品及び人体における動態(パネルディスカッション : 有機塩素系化合物の環境動態並びに毒性に関する最近の知見)(第11回環境汚染物質とそのトキシコロジーシンポジウム)
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In this study, it was clarified that transition and correlation of organochlorinated compounds, which were used until the early part of 1970 in our country, in food stuffs and human milk. In addition, a difference between "Kanemi Yusho"and other PCB exposures was explained by use of analytical and toxicological data. (1) Through hygienic institutes in our whole country, residual levels of HCH and DDT in vegetables, fruites and dairy foods were recognized to decrease rapidly year by year. The contamination routes of human bodies by them, as well as PCBs, through food chains was clarified to change from rice and dairy foods at those days of their usage to mainly fish and sellfish today, through total diet studies of these few years. (2) In analytical data of human milk in Osaka for 10 years since 1972,on the decrease of residual levels in foods, the levels of β-HCH and dieldrin in human milk decreased sharply, whereas those of p, p'-DDE and PCB were constant or decreased slightly. On the other hand, chlordane is used today and the contamination residue of them except heptachlor epoxide have been increasing. (3) From analytical data of the blood from mothers and their children or mouse experiments, organochlorinated compounds were revealed to be mainly transferred from mother to children through milk rather than placenta. (4) Analytical data of "Yusho"patients'organs and animal experiments (mouse, rat and monkey) revealed a primary causal agent of Yusho to be PCDFs, which at a dose of 60 μg/kg, gave deleyed toxicological effects accompanying with death. This fact indicates biological effects on man between and other PCB exposures to be different. A follow-up study of another Yusho-like disease found in Taiwan in 1979 was also explained.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1985-02-28
- 高速液体クロマトグラフィ-によるごま油中のセサモリン,セサミンの定量及びセサモ-ルの確認
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- 大豆水溶性低分子画分中の亜鉛の分布と銅錯体の精製
- ECD高感度物質のパターン解析による環境汚染監視システムの実試料への適用
- ECD高感度物質のパターン解析による環境汚染監視システムの開発
- 食品中の重油成分に関する研究-5-貝類による有機イオウ化合物の移行,排泄-2-
- カネクロ-ル500中のポリ塩化ダイベンゾフランの検出(速報)
- カネクロ-ル中のポリ塩化ダイベンゾフラン(PCDF)について
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- 食品中の重金属の化学形態-4-大豆中の銅について
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