Clerodane Diterpenoids from Ajuga decumbens
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A new neo-clerodane diterpene, ajugacumbin G, was isolated from Ajuga decumbens THUNB. (Labiatae), and the structure was characterized as 6α-acetoxy-4α, 17-epoxy-18-(3'-hydroxy-2'-methylenebutyryloxy)-neo-cleroda-13-en-15,16-olide by ^1H-and ^<13>C-NMR spectral study and by comparison with the known compounds of ajugacumbins A and B. Reactions to an epoxy moiety of ajugacumbin compounds with halogen acid, HX (X=Cl, Br and I) and with Jones reagent were prepared to supply some samples with different substituents at C-4 for insect antifeedant examination.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1995-12-15
田中 稔幸
田中 稔幸
Department Of Pharmacognosy Gifu Pharmaceutical University
閔 知大
Department of Phytochemistry, China Pharmaceutical University
飯沼 宗和
Department of Pharmacognosy, Gifu Pharmaceutical University
陳 煥明
Department of Phytochemistry, China Pharmaceutical University
飯沼 宗和
飯沼 宗和
Department Of Pharmacognosy Gifu Pharmaceutical University
陳 煥明
Department Of Phytochemistry China Pharmaceutical University
閔 知大
Department Of Phytochemistry China Pharmaceutical University
飯沼 宗和
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