108(P-50) Juniperus属植物のフェノール性成分の構造と生物活性(ポスター発表の部)
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In the course of our phytochemical studies of North American useful plants, we investigated the chemical constituents in Juniperus plants. Genus Juniperus belongs to family Cupressaceae and it comprises about 70 species distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. Juniperus communis is a familiar species with the characteristic flavor of distilled liquor gin. In this report we present the structural determination and biological activities of phenolic components of J. communis var. depressa and J. occidentalis collected in Oregon, U.S.A. From the methanolic extracts of the two Juniperus plants, 22 flavonoids (1-22), 15 neolignan (lignan) glycosides (23-37) and 17 phenylpropanoids (phenylethanoids) (38-54) were isolated and thier structures were established on the basis of spectral and chemical evidence. Among them, biflavonoids (1, 2), flavan glucosides (6, 7), neolignan glycosides (23, 24, 30-32, 35), phenylethanoids (38, 39) and phenylpropanoids (41, 48) were new compounds. Compounds 1 and 2, obtained from J. communis var. depressa, were confirmed to be atropisomers of cupressuflavone 4'-O-β-D-glucopyraonoside. The absolute stereochemistries of 1 and 2 were determined to be aR and aS, respectively, by CD spectra. Although cupressuflavone has been isolated from various gymnosperms, 1 and 2 are the first instance of its glycosides. The inhibitory activities of some isolated compounds on the Maillard reaction and lipid peroxide formation were examined. As a result, (-)-catechin (10) and (+)-epicatechin (11) strongly inhibited AGEs formation in the Maillard reaction. Similarly, some flavonoids showed moderate inhibitory activities on the Maillard reaction and lipid peroxide formation.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2004-10-01
松浦 信康
田中 稔幸
飯沼 宗和
田中 稔幸
田中 稔幸
Department Of Pharmacognosy Gifu Pharmaceutical University
松浦 信康
邑田 裕子
Tanaka N
Department Of Pharmacology School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Mukogawa Women's University
Tanaka Naoko
武庫川女子大学 薬学部薬理学
Murata H
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Setsunan University
稲冨 由香
飯田 直樹
稲田 昭
中西 勤
飯沼 宗和
飯沼 宗和
Department Of Pharmacognosy Gifu Pharmaceutical University
中西 勤
中西 務
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Setsunan University
稲田 昭
Tanaka N
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Mukogawa Women S University
飯沼 宗和
稲田 昭
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Setsunan University
Nishimata Toyoki
R & D Division Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd.
- 43(P-5) プロアントシアニジンの化学 : 系統的オリゴマーの合成ならびに構造-活性相関とその応用(ポスター発表の部)
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