Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectra of the β-Blocker Nipradilol with Nitrate Ester Group-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS) and B/E Constant Linked Scanning
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Fast atom bombardment (FAB) or liquid secondary ion mass spectra (LSIMS) of nipradilol and its analogues exhibit intense [MH-45]^+ ions corresponding to MH^+ ions of those hydrolysis products. Although FAB low energy collision-activated dissociation (CAD)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) using a triple-stage quadrupole-type instrument indicates that both ions are identical, the FAB(LSIMS) B/E constant linked scanning spectra of the ions are different from each other. To elucidate the reason for the two methods used for the same purpose giving different results, FAB high energy CAD-MS/MS was carried out using an EBE sector-type instrument. Comparison between the results of the B/E constant linked scanning and those of the high energy CAD-MS/MS indicated that the discrepancy is due to the poor resolution of precursor ions in the linked scanning at the B/E constant. It was also found that the high energy CAD-MS/MS spectra differed from the low energy CAD-MS/MS spectra owing to the difference in CAD energy between the two instruments. Decomposition products of nipradilol under FAB conditions were identified by high performance liquid chromatography and confirmed that the structures of the [MH-45]^+ ions were MH^+ of the hydrolysis products. The reaction products by fast atom bombardment under FAB conditions turned out to be the corresponding hydrolysis products which are different from those obtained by heating in glycerol.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1990-12-25
伊佐 公男
Division Of Science Education Faculty Of Education Fukui University
大橋 守
Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Kyoiku University
大橋 守
白土 正三
Tokyo Research Laboratories, Kowa Co., Ltd.,
大橋 守
大橋 守
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kanagawa University
米田 道明
Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry, University of Electro-Communications
辻本 和雄
Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry, University of Electro-Communications
大川 泰
Tokyo Research Laboratories Kowa Co., Ltd.,
伊佐 公男
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Education, Fukui University
白土 正三
Tokyo Research Laboratories Kowa Co. Ltd.
大川 泰
Tokyo Research Laboratories Kowa Co. Ltd.
米田 道明
Tokyo Research Laboratories Kowa Co. Ltd.
辻本 和雄
大橋 守
Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry, University of Electro-Communications
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