Phospholipid-Binding Properties of Calphobindin-II(Annexin VI), an Anticoagulant Protein from Human Placenta
- 論文の詳細を見る
Calphobindin-II (CPB-II, annexin VI), is a calcium dependent phospholipid binding protein that can be classified as a member of the annexin family.The phospholipid-binding properties of CPB-II were investigated by measuring the binding constants of [^<125>I]-CPB-II using phospholipid vesicles consisting of 80% phosphatidylcholine and 20% phosphatidylserine. A dissociation constant (K_d) of CPB-II with the phospholipid vesicles was determined to be 0.2 to 0.3 nM in the presence of Ca^<2+> ranging from 0.3 to 30 mM. The number of CPB-II capable of binding to the phospholipid vesicles at 0.3 mM Ca^<2+> decreased to about 1/2 in the presence of Ca^<2+> of more than 1 mM. Prothrombin and factor X were effective in competing with the binding of CPB-II to the phospholipid vesicles, although their affinities were lower by two or three orders of magnitude than that of unlabeled CPB-II at 30 mM Ca^<2+>. Competitive effects of CPB-II, calphobindin-I(CPB-I, annexin V) and calphobindin-III (CPB-III, annexin III) on binding of [^<125>I]-CPB-II to phospholipid vesicles, were similarly observed.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1991-10-25
橋本 洋一
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Science Saitama University
設楽 芳宏
新井 晃一
Tokyo Research Laboratories, Kowa Co., Ltd.
大口 正夫
Tokyo Research Laboratories, Kowa Co., Ltd.
吉崎 栄男
Tokyo Research Laboratories, Kowa Co., Ltd.,
白土 正三
Tokyo Research Laboratories, Kowa Co., Ltd.,
設楽 芳宏
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Akita University
真木 正博
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Akita University
新井 晃一
Tokyo Research Laboratories Kowa Co. Ltd.
大口 正夫
Tokyo Research Laboratories Kowa Co. Ltd.
白土 正三
Tokyo Research Laboratories Kowa Co. Ltd.
吉崎 栄男
Tokyo Research Laboratories Kowa Co. Ltd.
真木 正博
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology School Of Medicine Akita University
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