Evaluation of Valving System Influence on the Spray Characteristics of an Aerosol Formulation Consisting of Kerosene/Propane/Butane
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The influence of formulation factors, particularly the valving system, on the spray characteristics such as spray-droplet size and delivery rate were evaluated using aerosol formulations consisting of kerosene and a mixture of propane/butane. The liquid/propellant ratio was fixed at 60/40 by weight and the pressure of the propellant was 4.8 kg/cm^2 (gauge) at 20℃. The spray-droplet size was measured by using the laser-diffraction drop-sizing method. The sizes of the three orifices in the valving system (stem orifice [ST], vapor-phase tap orifice [VT] and actuator orifice [BU]) affected both the spray-droplet size and the delivery rate. The bigger the size of ST and BU and the samaller the size of VT, the greater the delivery rate. The spray-droplet size was affected by the mutual interactions among ST, BU and VT. The spray-droplet size dcreased as the size of VT increased when ST was larger than BU or was not much smaller than BU. The effect of VT to reduce spray-droplet size did not appear when BU was too much larger than ST. When VT was small enough or absent, the smallest spray-droplet size was obtained when the ST/BU ratio was around one. When VT was large, the spray-droplet size decreased as the ST/BU ratio increased. It was concluded that the balance of sizes of the three orifices was very important to obtain the most suitable spray characteristics.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1989-10-25
新庄 五朗
Agricultural Science Research Laboratory Takarazuka Research Center Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.
津田 重典
Agricultural Science Research Laboratory, Takarazuka Research Center, Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.
堂原 一伸
Agricultural Science Research Laboratory, Takarazuka Research Center, Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.
堂原 一伸
Agricultural Science Research Laboratory Takarazuka Research Center Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.
津田 重典
Agricultural Science Research Laboratory Takarazuka Research Center Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.
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