Distribution and Metabolism of [Asu^<1,7>]-Eel Calcitonin in Isolated Perfused Rat Pancreas
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The distribution and metabolism of elcatonin ([Asu^<1,7>]-eel calcitonin) were studied in isolated perfused rat pancreas. During the perfusion of ^<125>I-elcatonin, the radioactivity in the effluent rapidly attained equilibrium with the perfusate, although a considerable quantity of degradation products was observed in the effluent. The distribution space of ^<125>I-elcatonin was considered to be limited to the extracellular space. When unlabeled elcatonin was perfused, immunoreactive elcatonin concentration in the effluent also reached a rapid equilibrium at a lower level than that in the perfusate. These results suggest that the pancreas can degrade the entering elcatonin fairly well. The inclusion of insulin or aprotinin in the perfusate significantly suppressed elcatonin metabolism by the pancreas. Although a study of elcatonin inactivation by several proteases did not clarify the inhibitory mechanism of insulin, serine proteases were considered to be involved in the inactivation of elcatonin by the pancreas.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1984-04-25
堀 了平
駒田 富佐夫
駒田 富佐夫
岩川 精吾
駒田 富佐夫
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, School of Medicine, Kobe University
岩川 精吾
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, School of Medicine, Kobe University
奥村 勝彦
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, School of Medicine, Kobe University
堀 了平
Departments of Pharmacy Kyoto University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
堀 了平
Department Of Pharmacy Kyoto University Hospital
堀 了平
Pharmaceutical Research And Technology Institute Kinki University
Hori R
Kinki Univ. Higashi‐osaka Jpn
堀 了平
Hori R
Laboratory Of Cell Structure And Function Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
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